About us

Geoscape Australia is a leading location intelligence solutions provider, backed by the governments of Australia

Who We Are

Geoscape Australia is delivering location intelligence to enable positive outcomes across the economy, to help build a smarter and more productive Australia.


Geoscape Australia is the trading name of PSMA Australia Limited, a self-funded public company owned by the 9 governments of Australia.

The Evolution of Geoscape Australia

Era 1: PSMA

In this period, under the name PSMA, we concentrated on meeting Australia’s national demand for location data.

We developed essential datasets from government sources, including G-NAF, Administrative Boundaries, Transport and Topography, CadLite, and Points of Interest.

Era 2: Transformation into Geoscape

In 2020, we rebranded to Geoscape, incorporating private sector sources to enhance our datasets. We overhauled our technology to support automated, continuous data processing.

Major developments included a self-service customer portal and API-based data delivery.

Era 3: Enriching and Expanding Data Accessibility

Currently, we are focused on improving and broadening the accessibility of data that supports the Australian economy. We are continually innovating with products like G-NAF Core to enrich and increase data accessibility.

Our strategy now focuses on offering more flexible and customised solutions to more effectively and efficiently meet the changing needs of our customers.

Publications and Reports


2022-23 Annual Report


Statement of Expectations

Released in 2017


Previous Annual Reports

Get in touch

Let’s discuss what you can achieve with location intelligence

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