Geoscape Land Parcels

Get a complete picture of property in Australia

Key Features


Comprehensive property information

Offers detailed data on land parcels, including boundaries, addresses, and development potential.


Integrated land insights

Delivers a harmonised national dataset that combines key land information, removing the need for separate data handling and maintenance.


Diverse data

Describes a broad set of surface cover classes including Built-up Areas, Bare Earth, Urban Trees and Greenspace.


Linkages to G-NAF and State Records

Integrate your records with G-NAF and state government records, enabling efficient workflows and spatial management of your property portfolio by linking directly to relevant land parcels.



Custom Insights

Customise the data with enriched insights


Title Particulars

A single title of land may be made up of many cadastre land parcels. Spatially enable your portfolios by matching your customers’ title information to cadastre land parcels.

Datasets available


Provides a national dataset of cadastral parcels linked to land titles


Offers a national view of property parcels, integrating with Cadastre for insights into land holdings, property tax, and valuation analytics.


Details potential developments by standardising planning zone codes across Australia, integrating with Cadastre for parcel-level mapping.

Planning Insights

Provides enhanced planning information, detailing development potential, zoning, and relevant regulations for cadastral parcels or addresses.


Custom solutions

Our expert team can enhance and enrich Geoscape’s datasets to meet your organisation’s needs

Talk to us


Cadastre Product Guide

Property Product Guide

Planning Product Guide

Planning Insights Product Guide

Some images on this webpage were created using aerial imagery © Aerometrex Ltd.