The Geoscape Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF) has been the trusted source of Australian addresses for over 20 years

Key features


Trusted source

G-NAF is the endorsed national address file for Australia, ensuring real-time, consistent addressing and accurate address verification.


Value to communities

G-NAF delivers over $1.4 billion in value to Australian communities by enabling insights and efficiencies.


Wide application

Extensively used across various sectors, G-NAF powers businesses and enables good government.



GNAF can be easily linked with other data, both Geoscape’s and yours.

G-NAF Product Suite

G-NAF Core

Geoscape offers G-NAF Core, which simplifies G-NAF data into an easy-to-use table format. It’s ideal for organisations that need straightforward access to geocoded address data without the full G-NAF dataset’s complexity.


The full G-NAF dataset.

G-NAF Live

Geoscape G-NAF Live provides access to geocoded addresses that are updated daily or weekly (depending on the state or territory) through Geoscape APIs. This data is available on request.

Custom solutions

Our expert team can enhance and enrich Geoscape’s datasets to meet your organisation’s needs

Talk to us


G-NAF Guide

Some images on this webpage were created using aerial imagery © Aerometrex Ltd.