Request G-NAF Core

Access G-NAF in a comprehensive, but easy-to-use format.

G-NAF Core is freely available

G-NAF Core is available, fee-free, from Geoscape Australia for use in accordance with this End User License Agreement (EULA).

It includes permission for us to display your trademarks on our website and in other marketing material for the purpose of indicating that you are a customer. (However, we won’t do that if you notify us in writing that you don’t want us to).

An important restriction has been added relating to the use of G-NAF Core for the sending of mail.

G-NAF Core must not be used for the generation of an address or a compilation of addresses for the sending of mail unless the user has verified that each address to be used for the sending of mail can receive mail by reference to a secondary source of information.

Request G-NAF Core