We recently launched our Geoscape Planning Insights, an aggregated and enhanced planning data solution that provides information about the development potential of land across Australia.
Did you know Geoscape Planning Insights has 6 different types of overlays to help you identify if a cadastre parcel or address has any additional planning controls? In this blog, we’ll share information about those overlays and how they can be relevant to specific industries.
What is in the Geoscape Planning Insights Overlays table?
Every cadastre parcel or address will have a “flag” for whether it lies within a bushfire, flood, infrastructure, heritage, industry or environment overlay.
- A bushfire overlay may label a cadastre parcel or address as “bushfire-prone land” and describe whether it is classified as ‘Vegetation Category 1, 2, or 3’. Or a bushfire overlay may identify a parcel as ‘emergency management’, describing it as “a bushfire management overlay (BMO)” which means you may require a planning permit to build or extend dwellings at this parcel.
- A flood overlay will typically indicate flood hazards at a cadastre parcel or address. For example, local governments classify areas as “1 in 100 (1%) AEP Floodplain Development Control Area” to show where development controls may be applied to ensure an adequate level of flood protection is provided to the proposed development. Flood overlays can also identify where approval is required from the local water utility provider.
- The environment overlay identifies all sorts of overlays ranging from landslide hazard areas (moderate, high or very high hazard), areas of acid sulfate soils (Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 5), wetlands, koala protection areas, fire ant biosecurity zones, waterways and many more.